Saturday, February 2, 2019

A Case for Missions-Part 1

A Case for Missions: Part 1

As a family, we've had a heart for missions as long as I can remember.  Yes, we've sponsored several kids with Compassion International and even had one graduate from the program.  We love Compassion!  We've supported missionaries and done our best to learn about other cultures and prayed for them to hear and know the love of Jesus.  Heck, we even trekked to the middle of China to adopt our son.  However, boarding a plane and actually taking our kids to a third world country is something we've prayed for the last decade or so. And when you have a tribe of 7?  It's sometimes necessary to divide and conquer.  So, that's what we did.

I'm sure it's never crossed your mind, but we did try to justify staying home because of course "There's a mission field downtown, at the grocery store, next door, and do not forget within our four walls."  Perhaps you've thought the same thing? Yeah...we get it.  However, I am making a case for a third world country missions trip and yes, even a short-term missions trip.  Even my humble, yet blunt opinion, it's NOT the same.  I figure on my own blog, I'm entitled to my opinion.  : )   

So, last October, this homeschoolin' momma kissed my husband and kids goodbye and hopped on a plane with LJ, my 14 year old.  We didn't really know what exactly we were going to do in Guatemala and I'm so glad.  The Lord just told us to "show up"  and make ourselves available to serve as He led.  

        Booking overnight flights always seem like a good idea at the time.....but reality?  Not so much.  We were exhausted & relieved when we landed in Guatemala City.

            At least 20 bags with our group piled on top of our van.  3 hours later, they were still on top.

We arrived at Eagle's Nest Children's Home in Solala, and to say we were captivated by the scenery is an understatement.  What a gorgeous place!  Eagle's Nest Children's Home has an amazing view.  

                    The first morning we got to take care of toddlers and babies.  Oh my!

We were hooked.

Eagle's Nest is home to approximately 40 children, but that number is continuously fluctuating.  They also host a feeding program 3 days a week to the local children.  These children come for a healthy meal (perhaps their only meal in a day) and they get to hear about a Savior who loves them.   The Eagle's Next Pastor shares the Gospel with them each time they come and it was a joy to listen in and help serve these precious children lunch.  (Of course, I had no idea what he was saying, but I did understand "Jesus!"  As they were leaving,  I just happened to have an extra bag of apples and wondering if anyone would want one.  They were beyond thrilled.  I'm trying to imagine offering these to kids back home.  Yeah.....the things we take for granted.  Apples!


We had the opportunity to pour cement in the new commons area at Eagle's Nest.  I'll just say that we got to do it the "old fashioned way."  I think the Guatemalen men were not sure what to think when our small group of moms, kids, and one dad showed up that morning.  However...

I think they were shocked!  We busted the project out and some of the older kids in the Children's Home saw the action and decided to join in and help.  It's amazing how much you can communicate, even though you do not speak the same language!  Hard labor and bonding brings unity fast!

The completed cement floor for the new coffee shop/commons area.  I never saw a more beautiful cement slab in my life!  This is where missions team will come to support "The Nest" by purchasing coffee, locally made mugs, and more!

             Leading VBS with the language barrier was an adventure to say the least, but R. rocked it. 

LJ and L. leading worship in Spanish!  

I will admit, this is a missions trip that makes you feel just a tad bit spoiled.  Hard work, yes.  Good food-oh you have no idea!!!  My mouth is watering just thinking about it.  Local women are employed by The Nest to feed the teams that come down to serve.   It was simply amazing!!!  

They don't make it like this back in the States...just sayin'.

 The best part of the trip was serving with my girl.  The crew back home was well taken care of by my husband and he was relieved part of the time by my awesome mom-in-law.  We both returned home changed from the inside out.  Closer to Jesus and closer to one another.  It changed our perspective on things when we returned home.  And, most importantly, it cultivated gratitude.  Oh-don't we all need more of that?  We're forever changed.

Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe.  Hebrews 12:28

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Joy to the World...the Lord is Come!

Joy to the World...the Lord is come! 

Here are some of my favorite photos from the season...

New Year's Eve photo because I no longer put unnecessary pressure on myself to have our cards out by Christmas and at this rate, maybe not at all!  If only we could hear the commentary from children and parents alike when trying to capture the elusive yearly family photo.  We may or may not have bribed or threatened a few freezing kiddos! 

My birthday.  34 feels fabulous!  (I began subtracting a decade a few years ago).  My big girls made us a delicious breakfast in bed and they shut the door to let us watch a movie.   Later, my Park Ranger took me out to lunch, and on the way home we picked up pizza and enjoyed it on paper plates that evening.  No cookin' or dishes! My sweet Joy-girl made me an eggnog cheesecake for the 2nd year in a row and your order now for next year.  It's beyond any taste bud comprehension your buds will not know what to do with such scrumptious flavor!

Lefse baking with my Norwegian boy.  More explanation on this, perhaps next year, but you Scandinavians know this is a form of art!

Snow falling on Christmas Eve outside our church.  This may have happened once before in my lifetime here in the Pacific Northwest. Or, that may have been a dream.  I can't remember for sure.  In any case,  I'll never forget waking up to a blanket (okay, a dusting) of white on Christmas morning!

My living room on December 25th.  We live in a rustic ranger house and I keep in mind one of my mom's favorite things to say,"Bloom where you're planted."  So, as things in this old house seem to be falling apart much of the time, that's what I try to do.  I'm also a homeschoolin' momma married to a park ranger, so it's necessary to decorate a dime, but I have so much fun doing it.   
Downtown Seattle after watching a Christmas Carol with the family at the ACT Theater.   Of course, two years in a row now I end up in teary-eyed at the end as the cast sings, "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and I'm also contemplating if it's too late for me to go into acting and theater....hmmmm...perhaps.  "God bless us every one!"  Afterword we walked  around Seattle, which is always an eye-opener and so much fun for my country kids. 

The dusting of snow which was enough for my son to build half a snowman and that's a Christmas tree in the middle of our field. 

Annual "Peace on Earth" date.  Ladies, if your husband balks at the mere thought of listening to a boy's choir and accompanying symphony,  please let me know and I will give him my husband's number.  He initially declared he would attend for me (as though it might entail some sort of suffering on his part), but as it turns out?  He was absolutely flabbergasted, speechless,  and LOVED it.  Just sayin.'   We purposefully plan this date just a few days before Christmas because when the heat of the hustle and bustle intensifies, it's time to be still, close our eyes, listen angelic music, and worship the Prince of Peace, Jesus,  who is the only One who offers us true Peace on earth through faith in Him!  Isaiah 9:6

The last few years, the Christmas season has been so much for peace-filled, which equals joy-filled because I've let expectations, paired down the calendar (you really don't have to do it all), and asked Jesus to provided time for me to be still and know He's God.  Psalm 46:10  Here is an awesome teaching by Pastor Waxer from One Love church in Honolulu, Hawaii on this very subject.  I love it when he asks if we're going to choose to have a "Mary Christmas" or a "Martha Christmas."

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.  John 1:14